Engeny Water Management is extremely proud to announce that our very own Network Planning Engineer, Charlene Wong, is currently involved in an exciting new project in Nepal in partnership with Engineers Without Borders. Charlene is a Queensland Regional President for Engineers Without Borders Australia and has just set off on a 3 week expedition in Nepal, where she is working alongside fellow engineering volunteers to investigate opportunities for the provision of water supply services for towns still affected by the Gorkha earthquake.
The devastating effects of the Gorkha earthquake are still being felt by several villages within Nepal, many of which remain without access to water supply services and the infrastructure needed to provide clean drinking water to the citizens inhabiting these villages. Alongside fellow volunteers, Charlene is working to investigate solutions that will allow for adequate water services within these villages.
Charlene’s involvement with EWB started with the EWB Challenge, in which she was asked to design an appropriate technology for a remote community with real life constraints. She stayed on with the Appropriate Technology team at the University of Queensland and later developed interest in engaging other individuals and organisations along the EWB journey.
Today, Charlene is leading a group of enthusiastic team members to connect with communities and organisations in QLD through various EWB initiatives, and helping to seek out a solution to the water provision problem faced by Nepal. A member of Engineers Australia and the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Charlene’s specific areas of expertise are process and modelling, water quality assurance, and water balance.
Engeny is proud of Charlene and values her efforts in utilizing her skills and passion to improve the lives of others.
Read more about Charlene’s involvement in the Engineers Without Borders Australia team here:
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